The Barry Track 40 Miles & Marathon Race

The Barry Track 40 is a 40 mile ultramarathon (and the Welsh Ultramarathon Championship) held on the running track at the Jenner Park Stadium, Barry. It Though it may be pancake flat (despite being in Barry, a monumentally hilly town), its reputation as a tough test of endurance is richly deserved. There is also the option to run the marathon distance.
For the full 40 miles 161 laps (almost) of the running track demands a certain type of competitor and is not for the faint hearted! Equally, the demands on marshals and lap counters is also great, so we would be very grateful if each entrant could bring a friend to perform this function. The time limit of 6 hours requires sub nine-minute miling (sub 4hr marathon pace).
- For further details including how to enter please click here
- If you have any questions then please e-mail race co-organiser
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The 36th annual race was held on Sunday 6th March 2022 Download the 2022 Barry 40 Report and Results
Photos from the most recent races by Paul Stillman can be found on Flickr here (you will need to search for his Barry 40 albums)
Photos from the 2011 event can be found by clicking here, many thanks to Rachael Elliott for providing the photos and congratulations to her partner Mark Shepherd for competing.
In recent years we have been overwhelmed by the response to the event – and have limited the race to forty because of the number of lap scorers we felt we could realistically provide to ensure an accurate result. This unfortunately led to a number of potential competitors being turned away. To try to accommodate more runners I have now included a box on your entry form for you to nominate your own personal lap scorer. If you are unable to comply with this please enter anyway, but the greater the number of scorers provided the more entries I will be able to accept.
One additional fact – the Barry 40 is now the longest running annual ultradistance event in the UK. Whilst it saddens me greatly that events like London-Brighton can no longer be held, health and safety is now a major issue. Perhaps a track race is now the safest way to accommodate the needs of ultradistance runners.