The Club Committee
The Club Committee meets six times a year, on a Wednesday evening at 7.30pm at the Chair, John Griffin's home.
The Committee has officers elected according the new Club consitution at the AGM held in January.
The Committee can also appoint other members to various sub-committees.
Meetings can be attended by Club Members.
- There is also a page where you can view some Committee Profiles
The current committee members:
- Chair: John Griffin
- Vice Chair: David Hodges
- Secretary: Kelly Crofts
- Treasurer: Richard Bullen
- Membership Secretary: Alan Mason
- Women's Captain: Claire Jacobs
- Club Captain: Marcus Meyrick
- General member: Jeff Aston
- General member: Karen Chadwell
- General member: Peter Gillibrand
- General member: James Bruce
- General member: Alaw Beynon Evans (Beynon Thomas)
Welfare officers
We very much hope that you will enjoy being a member of Les Croupiers Running Club. However should you encounter any difficulties you can contact our club welfare officers using the information here:
They can be approached at the club or contacted using facebook messenger.
Additional information about Welsh Athletics' safeguarding policies and procedures can be found here:
Welsh Athletics Safeguarding Page
Results database
- Jenny Martin
- Jeff Aston
- Dave George
- Steven Chadwell
Forum administrators
Welsh Castles Relay sub committee
- John Griffin
- David Hodges
- David E Williams
- Marcus Meyrick
- Michelle Dutton
- Dave George
- Claire Jacobs