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Member Benefits

Annual membership renewal fees are due in March - View Membership Fees

The benefits of membership are:

  • UKA affiliation (£23:00 of your Membership Fee pays for your affiliation each year to Welsh Athletics)
  • Insurance (covering races and official club training sessions)
  • Club Vest (£5 upon joining, £20 per replacement vest thereafter)
  • FREE entry to the Gwent League (5 cross country races each season)
  • FREE entry to the Welsh Cross Country championships and relays, Welsh Road relays, British Masters Road relays and National Road relays. (The club pays your entry fee for you.).
  • Subsidised entry fee for the Welsh Castles Relay.
  • Inclusion into the club's draw for London Marathon places (subject to criteria)
  • FREE access to all the Club's Training Sessions during the week - speed training, hill reps, track, long runs etc
  • 10% discount at selected retail outlets with your WA membership card
  • 10% discount for SportsShoes.com (purchases online with the club's discount code)
  • Discount on race entry fees as an affiliated runner
  • Opportunity to train as a race official or run leader (if being done on behalf of the club)
  • Access to advice and guidance from experienced club runners.
  • All the social aspects of the club, including subsidised ticket prices for the summer BBQ, Christmas party and annual awards presentation dinner.
  • Use of Llandaff Rugby Club facilities on Thursday Evenings (and on other specific occasions) 

The club is keen to promote and publicise such benefits where these are in some way associated with the club’s ethos and our member's running/multi-sports interests.



Member discounts we're aware of are as follows:

Up and Under
Up and Running 
Nike Store Cardiff
TriExercise (Haverford West)

Physios and specialist clinics:
Ace Feet in Motion
Lorreta Dailey (our one and very own!)
Andrew Seary
The Chiro Practice
Feet in Focus
Proactive Physiotherapy

Services recommended by club members (Please feel free to get in touch if you have been impressed by a particular retailer or service.)

Cardiff Gait

Club Safety Guidelines

The following advice is intended to keep our runners SAFE at all times!
It is also essential that, whilst out running as a club, we are seen to be polite, responsible, set a good example & not put others at risk.
AT ALL TIMES BE SAFE BE SEEN! You can never be too visible! During the day, always wear bright or light-coloured clothing - fluorescent is good.
At night we would strongly recommend that people ALWAYS wear light-coloured clothing plus a REFLECTIVE (not just fluorescent) bib or sash.
Clip on flashers are a great way to be seen. NEVER ASSUME YOU'VE BEEN SEEN. Always be cautious with traffic.
We would like to remind people that they are responsible for their own safety and that they run at their own risk.