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2025 AGM


Notice is hereby given of the 2025 Annual General Meeting of Les Croupiers Running Club on Sunday 2nd February at 12 noon at Llandaff Rugby and Athletics Club.

1. A draft agenda is below and members are invited to propose any other agenda items.

2. This is also the opportunity to propose changes to the constitution if any member wishes to do so.

3. It is time to elect your committee for the next one year in the case of four ordinary member for the next two years for six officer posts. Members are invited to put themselves forward with details of a proposer and seconder.

Members should be aware that all of the roles are available should anybody be interested in joining the committee. Certain roles such as Treasurer and Welfare Officer require certain skills.
The committee meets bi-monthly and an agenda is circulated amongst committee members one week prior to the meeting. The committee also consists of 6 ordinary members (we currently have 4) who also represent the club. There is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes and the club always welcomes any member who wishes to join the committee.
I have included below some details of the Officer Roles. 
1. Chair (Role – to chair general meetings and committee meetings and to represent the Club’s interests at regional and national forums)
2. Vice Chair (Role – to chair general meetings and committee meetings in the absence of the Chair and to represent the Club’s interests at regional and national forums)
3. Secretary (Role – to ensure that records are kept of all club activities and membership, to advise the club of all non-financial legal and regulatory requirements and to represent the Club’s interests at regional and national forums)
4. Membership Secretary (Role – to ensure that members pay all fees due and are duly registered with the club and with Welsh Athletics)
5. Treasurer (Role – to ensure that records are kept of all financial transactions, to advise the club on financial viability and sustainability, and to advise the club of all financial legal and regulatory requirements)
6. Club Captain (Role – to ensure that the club plays a full part in competitive running (in all models) and to chair the Competition Sub Committee
7. Club Welfare Officer – Assisting with protecting and safeguarding of young people and vulnerable adults.
If anyone is interested in joining the committee or has any questions please feel free to come and talk to us.

Members should submit any of 1-3 above to the Club Secretary - by no later than 18th January and note that only agenda items submitted and members nominated by this date will be accepted. Club Secretary e-mail – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Draft Agenda

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the 2024 Annual General Meeting and matters arising

3. Chairman’s Report

4. Treasurer’s Report (including Auditor letter)

5. Motion: To approve the appointment of the following Committee Officers:-

1. Chairman (currently John Griffin)

2. Vice Chairman (currently Dave Hodges)

3. Treasurer (currently Richie Bullen)

4. Secretary (currently Kelly Crofts

5. Membership Secretary (currently Alan Mason)

6. Club Captain (currently Marcus Meyrick (Mens))

(The Women’s Club Captain and Club Welfare Officer shall remain in post until the AGM 2026)

6. Ordinary Members Election (see below)

7. Captain’s Report(s)

8. Barry 40

9. Any Other Business (of which notice has been given)


Club Safety Guidelines

The following advice is intended to keep our runners SAFE at all times!
It is also essential that, whilst out running as a club, we are seen to be polite, responsible, set a good example & not put others at risk.
AT ALL TIMES BE SAFE BE SEEN! You can never be too visible! During the day, always wear bright or light-coloured clothing - fluorescent is good.
At night we would strongly recommend that people ALWAYS wear light-coloured clothing plus a REFLECTIVE (not just fluorescent) bib or sash.
Clip on flashers are a great way to be seen. NEVER ASSUME YOU'VE BEEN SEEN. Always be cautious with traffic.
We would like to remind people that they are responsible for their own safety and that they run at their own risk.